Yuan Youlu

From: CAAS      author: admin      Count: 次      Date: 2014/05/149



Dr. Yuan Youlu
Institute of Cotton Research (ICR)
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
Address: No 38, Huanghe Rd., Anyang, Henan, 455000, P.R. China
Phone: +86-372-2525371
Fax: +86-372-2562256
E-mail: yylcri@126.com

Education Background
Youlu Yuan, a cotton molecular breeder, received his BSc degree in Agronomy (1990) from the Beijing(now Chinese ) Agricultural University, China, his MS degree in Crop Genetics and Breeding(1997) from Nanjing  Agricultural University, China and his PhD in Crop Genetics and Breeding(2000) from Nanjing Agricultural University, China.

Research Area
He is Principal Investigator of Cotton Variety Molecular Design at Institute of Cotton Research (ICR) Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Director of Bio-technology Research Department, ICR CAAS, Vice director of The Key Laboratory of Biological and Genetic Breeding of Cotton, Ministry of Agriculture ,China.

He is project leader of cotton molecular breeding program for National High Technology (863 plan) project, and National Science fund. He developed 7 cotton varieties: CCRI28, CCRI29, CCRI38, CCRI39,CCRI60,CCRI70 and CCRI78. He gained the second class award of science and technology of Chinese government in 2010. He acquired 4 national patents on cotton fiber quality molecular assisted selection.

He is the leader of the innovative team of Molecular Design Breeding in Cotton in ICRCAAS. The team consists of 14 scientists, and has made outstanding achievements in developing molecular markers, constructing highly density genetic mapping and locating gene/QTLs for breeding of cotton verities with high yield, good fiber quality and multi-resistance.


1.Book “Cotton Molecular breeding”, China agricultural university press, 2013, BEIJING
2. Analyses of the NAC transcription factor gene family in Gossypium raimondii Ulbr.:chromosomal location,structure,phylogeny,and expression patterns, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2013, 55(7):663-676
3. The draft genome of a diploid cotton Gossypium raimondii. Nature Genetics, 2012, 44:1098–1103
4. QTL mapping for fiber quality traits across multiple generations and environments in upland cotton, Mol  Breeding, 2012,30:569–582
5.Mapping resistance gene analogs (RGAs) in cultivated tetraploid cotton using RGA-AFLP analysis, Euphytica, 2011,181:65–76